REPUBLICATION ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: For the duration of my show, Unretrospective, in _Money Matters _Kendall College of Art and Design you can order an authenticated “POWHIDA” republication from any JPEG* available on my website. Please browse my online catalog and send an email to with your request(s).**_ Please use the following format for ordering_** (You can copy and paste it right into an email to ****)
- File Name: (Please control+click/right-click on the thumbnail image and copy the Image URL ie
- Desired Size (Max width or height in inches):
- Safe for Work (Yes or No):
- Stretched (Yes or No):
Please allow 1-3 business days for the Stephen to provide you with a price quote (stretching will cost extra). A deposit for half of the republication will be required to begin production in ShenZhen, China. You can expect to receive your oil painted JPEG and a certificate of authenticity within 4 - 6 weeks. There’s one painter…one…willing to do reproduce my work. * Each JPEG will be altered slightly by me and the Chinese painter who works on these.